Download Dan Panduan Cara Install Pubg Mobile 0.8.0 Global Beta Terbaru

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Para gamer di platform mobile tentu saja tak asing dengan game-game bergenra survival battle royale. Salah satu yang paling terkenal ialah PUBG Mobile dengan "Chicken Dinner"-nya yang populer. Game PUBG Android sendiri merupakan pembiasaan dari game terkenal di PC dan konsol Xbox. Jadi, sebelum masuk di seri mobile, PUBG sudah terkenal lebih dulu di PC dan konsol.

Bagi kau yang belum dan masih resah gimana cara install dan game PUBG Mobile BETA ini, damai saja aku akan menjelaskan langkah-langkah install PUBG Mobile BETA ini.

Cara Install PUBG Mobile 0.8.0 Global Beta

Langkah-langkahnya :

1. Download apk PUBG Mobile Beta 0.8.0 di sini : Download 

Baca Juga

2. Setelah file terdownload, kemudian buka aplikasi file manager

3. Cari file apk PUBG Mobile Beta 0.8.0 yang sudah kau download tadi. Biasanya folder download secara default ada di memori internal.

4. Setelah apk PUBG Mobile tersebut ketemu, klik file apk untuk mulai installasinya.

5. Jika muncul goresan pena "apakah boleh menginstall file dari unknown resources?", maka pilih "Ok".

6. Kemudian kalian akan di bawa ke sajian "Security" smartphone kalian. kemudian kalian tinggal centang/ klik saja pilihan "Unknown resources". Maka selanjutnya proses installasi PUBG Mobile Beta 0.8.0 akan segera dimulai.

7. Setelah proses installasi selesai, maka akan muncul goresan pena "App Installed"

8. Selamat, kini kau sanggup memainkan game PUBG Mobile Beta-mu!

Sekilas Tentang Update PUBG Mobile 0.8.0 Global Beta

Peta dan fitur baru

  • Peta hutan hujan gres "Sanhok" terbuka, pemain sanggup menentukan peta hutan hujan untuk dicocokkan dalam pemilihan peta.

  • Menambahkan fungsi “Season Archive”, yang sanggup diakses di antarmuka season game untuk melihat data demam isu sebelumnya.

Kendaraan baru

  • Kendaraan baru: Uzi Bulletproof jeep dan kendaraan beroda empat Muscle

Senjata dan aksesoris baru

  • Menambahkan senapan serbu QBZ, gunakan peluru 5.56mm, secara acak ditempatkan di sekitar Sanhok.

  • Menambahkan pistol suar untuk memberi instruksi titik udara super. Dapat dipanggil di zona bermain, dan UAZ Bulletproof sanggup dipanggil di luar zona bermain, yang akan berada dalam mode klasik untuk waktu yang terbatas.
  • Moncong Duckbill untuk S1897 dan S12K, yang sangat mengurangi penyebaran vertikal peluru shotgun dan meningkatkan penyebaran horizontal.


  1. Reduce the additive effect of the accessories on the lumbar spread.
  2. Adjusted the range of shotgun bullets, the bullets will be more densely distributed.
  3. The bullet can penetrate water and hit enemies under water, but the damage will be less.
  4. The M24 sniper rifle will be removed from the airdrop and will be randomly placed around the map, but the damage is balanced to 79.
  5. The negative effect of the light grip is removed, and the effect is to greatly improve the shooting stability and improve the recoil recovery.
  6. Optimized the fire rebound performance of the assault rifle and the SMG’s
  7. Optimized the performance of the red dot sight and the 8x scope.
  8. Added the ability to replace the optical sight pattern and color for the following sights: Red Dot Sight, Holographic Sight, and 2x Sight.
  9. Sensitivity for 3x Scopes and 6x Scopes can be adjusted.
  10. During the 6x Scope and 8x Scope zooming, the sensitivity will be dynamically adjusted according to the sensitivity of the different multiples of the scope set by the player. When using 8x Scope to 4x magnification, the sensitivity of the 4x scope setting is applied.
  11. 6x Scope and 8x Scope zoom performance optimization, has been consistent with end-game performance.
  12. Added the ability to view the list of spectators in the battle.
  13. Automatic picking settings, such as the number of bullets, the number of Medicine, the number of grenades, etc.
  14. Players can choose their own play strategy before matching to better match players who play similarly to you
  15. Limited time clothing can now be decomposed, and the reward for decomposition is BP.
  16. Optimized the animation during decomposition.
  17. Optimized the display of the backpack menu.
  18. Modified the UI to increase the image display of yourself and teammates.
  19. Added the ability to throw apples on the spawn island.
  20. Added new gun skins.
  21. New “Boot Camp” system
    1. New players who enter the game, can go through a Boot Camp, and the rewards in the Boot Camp can be completed within 7 days.
    2. Existing players can also complete a Boot Camp mission after launching the game and will receive rewards upon completion.

BUG repair

  1. Fixed the duduk masalah that some vehicles are too prone to drift in some parts of the map.
  2. Fixed the duduk masalah where the UI is not refreshed in time.
  3. Fixed the duduk masalah that playing in FPP can cause you to see through walls.
  4. Fixed the duduk masalah that the range of movement of the character’s FOV is limited.
  5. Fixed the duduk masalah of abnormal jitter after Groza opens in some states;
  6. Fixed other known issues.

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