Lirik Lagu Bts (방탄소년단) – Intro : Persona + Translation

BTS (방탄소년단) – Intro : Persona

“See you…”
I parted with you, trying to play it cool, again tonight.
No “goodbye” kiss from you?
I want you to hold my hand
Looking up at the sky
The stars are laughing at me
“You should be more honest”
But I can’t… with you

Because I love you.
You’d hate it if I get too excited, right?
Cause I’m in love.
I still cannot say it to you
I want you to know me
Who cannot take the step
So I tried making a wish to the starry sky

Waking side by side with you, leaning on your shoulder
I want to keep stealing a glance
Of your side profile, forever

Because I love you.
You’d hate a free(easy) girl, right?
All I need is your love.
No matter how hard I fall in love with you
I just can’t say it to you

How can I deliver this feeling?
I close my eyes and wish to the falling stars in the sky
“Please, if god exists, please
Give him to me.”

Baca Juga

My love, my love, I love you
“Please, god, please”
Really I still
Cannot say it to you

I wish to all the wishing stars in the world
Again tonight
Love you


나는 누구인가 평생 물어온 질문
아마 평생 정답은 찾지 못할 그 질문
나란 놈을 고작 말 몇 개로 답할 수 있었다면
신께서 그 수많은 아름다움을 
다 만드시진 않았겠지
How you feel? 지금 기분이 어때
사실 난 너무 좋아 근데 조금 불편해
나는 내가 개인지 돼진지 
뭔지도 아직 잘 모르겠는데
남들이 와서 진주목걸일 거네
칵 퉤
예전보단 자주 웃어
소원했던 Superhero
이젠 진짜 된 것 같어
근데 갈수록 뭔 말들이 많어
누군 달리라고 누군 멈춰서라 해
얘는 숲을 보라고 걔는 들꽃을 보라 해
내 그림자, 나는 망설임이라 쓰고 불렀네
걘 그게 되고 나서 망설인 적이 없었네
무대 아래든 아님 조명 아래든 자꾸 나타나
아지랑이처럼 뜨겁게 자꾸 날 노려보네
(Oh shit)
야 이 짓을 왜 시작한 건지 벌써 잊었냐
넌 그냥 들어주는 누가 있단 게 막 좋았던 거야
가끔은 그냥 싹 다 헛소리 같아
취하면 나오는 거 알지.. 치기 같아
나 따위가 무슨 music
나 따위가 무슨 truth
나 따위가 무슨 소명
T나 따위가 무슨 muse
내가 아는 나의 흠 어쩜 그게 사실 내 전부
세상은 사실 아무 관심 없어, 나의 서툼
이제 질리지도 않는 후회들과
매일 밤 징그럽게 뒹굴고
돌릴 길 없는 시간들을 습관처럼 비틀어도
그때마다 날 또 일으켜 세운 것
최초의 질문
내 이름 석 자
그 가장 앞에 와야 할 But

So I’m askin’ once again yeah
Who the hell am I?
Tell me all your names baby
Do you wanna die?
Oh do you wanna go?
Do you wanna fly?
Where’s your soul? where’s your dream?
Do you think you’re alive?

My name is R
내가 기억하고 사람들이 아는 나
날 토로하기 위해 내가 스스로 만들어낸 나
Yeah 난 날 속여왔을지도 
But 부끄럽지 않아 이게 내 영혼의 지도
Dear myself 넌 절대로 너의 온도를 잃지 마
따뜻히도 차갑게도 될 필요 없으니까
가끔은 위선적이어도 위악적이어도
이게 내가 걸어두고 싶은 내 방향의 척도
내가 되고 싶은 나
사람들이 원하는 나
니가 사랑하는 나
또 내가 빚어내는 나
웃고 있는 나
가끔은 울고 있는 나
지금도 매분 매순간 살아 숨쉬는

Who the hell am I
I just wanna go I just wanna fly
I just wanna give you
all the voices till I die
I just wanna give you 
all the shoulders when you cry

Who the hell am I
I just wanna go I just wanna fly
I just wanna give you 
all the voices till I die
I just wanna give you 
all the shoulders when you cry


‘Who am I’ the question I had my whole life
The question which I probably won’t find an answer to my whole life
If I were answerable with a few mere words
Then God wouldn’t have created
All those various beauties
How you feel? How’re you feeling right now?
Actually I am real good but a little uncomfortable
I am still not so sure
If I am a dog or a pig or what else
But then other people come and put the pearl necklace on me
I laugh more than I did before
I dreamt of becoming a superhero
Now it feels like I really became one
But as it goes on there’s so much blabbering
One says ‘run’ another says ‘stop’
This one says ‘look at the forest’, that one says ‘look at the wild flower’
My shadow, I wrote and called it ‘hesitation’
It has never hesitated after becoming that
It keeps appearing under the stage or the light
Keeps glaring at me scorchingly like a heat wave
(oh shit)
Hey have you already forgotten why you even started this
You were just digging it that someone was listening
Sometimes everything sounds like freakin’ nonsense
You know what comes out of you when your drunk.. like immaturity
Someone like me ain’t good enough for music
Someone like me ain’t good enough for the truth
Someone like me ain’t good enough for a calling
Someone like me ain’t good enough to be a muse
The flaws of mine that I know, maybe that’s all I have got really
The world is actually not interested in my clumsiness at all
The regrets that I don’t even get sick of anymore
I tumble with them every night until I am disgusted
And twist the irreversible time habitually
There’s something that raised me up again every time
The first question
The three syllables of my name and the word ‘but’
That should come before any of those

So I’m askin’ once again yeah
Who the hell am I?
Tell me all your names baby
Do you wanna die?
Oh do you wanna go?
Do you wanna fly?
Where’s your soul? where’s your dream?
Do you think you’re alive?

My name is R
The ‘me’ that I remember and people know
The ‘me’ that I created myself to vent out
Yeah maybe I’ve been deceiving myself
Maybe I have been lying
But I am not embarrassed anymore this is the map of my soul
Dear myself, you must never lose your temperature
Cuz you don’t need to be neither warm nor cold
Though I might sometimes be hypocritical or pretend to be evil
This is the barometer of my direction I want to keep
The ‘me’ that I want myself to be
The ‘me’ that people want me to be
The ‘me’ that you love
And the ‘me’ that I create
The ‘me’ that’s smiling
The ‘me’ that’s sometimes in tear
Vividly breathing each second and every moment even now

Who the hell am I
I just wanna go I just wanna fly
I just wanna give you
All the voices till I die
I just wanna give you
All the shoulders when you cry

Who the hell am I
I just wanna go I just wanna fly
I just wanna give you
All the voices till I die
I just wanna give you
All the shoulders when you cry


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